Atlantic One Investment Summit 2025™️ – May 21st to May 24th

Our Premium Event in Mallorca, Spain
Palma de Mallorca is the quintessential destination for enjoying the mediterranean climate while offering a pleasurable working environment.
The Atlantic One Investment Summit 2025 will bring together senior executives from North American listed companies and handpicked fund managers from the main European financial centers for a three-day curated investment event at The Nixe Palace Hotel.
Our promise: a studious agenda that allows you to network with funds and family offices, but also enough air to be able to enjoy the Spanish island’s inertia.
We are aware that the agendas of ladies and gentlemen are already full, therefor the Summit is also an opportunity for you to take advantage of the hotel facilities with a companion to make the trip even more worthwhile.
Program summary ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

12 Listed Companies
TSX & TSX-V, Nasdaq, NYSE
Mining and Energy

35 Portfolio Managers
From the major financial hubs
Portfolio Managers
Family offices

Palma de Mallorca – Spain
3 day agenda
In this Mediterranean gem
To network
Atlantic One Investment Summit ™️ – FAQ
What’s included ?
Everything from accommodation to breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Travel and hotel transfers, minibar/bar and spa services are extra.
I love Spain & I would like to arrive early or extend my trip, is it possible ?
We will provide you with a dedicated contact for our preferred room rates if needed.
What’s the cancellation policy ?
As a company, 6 weeks prior the event, or case of force majeure.